How to Honor Your Pet After Its Death

Your pet is a special part of your family. Pets are an important part of our lives; they bring us joy, comfort, and companionship. When our pets pass away, it’s natural to want to honor the place they played in our lives.

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A decorative pet urn in Australia is a beautiful and permanent way to honor and remember our pets. You can place your pet’s ashes in an urn by bringing your pet to a pet crematorium. Some pet owners sprinkle some of their pet’s ashes in a place that was significant to the pet – and then keep the rest of the pet’s ashes in an urn.

You love your pet, so it can be difficult to think about its eventual passing. That’s natural. But, to be sure you will be able to respectfully honor your pet when its final day comes, it’s a good idea for you to contact a reputable pet crematorium to learn about the process of saying goodbye to your pet in this special way. Once your plans and the necessary arrangements are made, you can rest assured your pet will be cared for respectfully and compassionately when they pass away.

When the time does come for your pet to leave this life, you can then call the crematorium for an appointment to perform this final act to honor its importance in your life. You can still call their offices if the pet passes after the crematorium’s hours. You should then cover the pet’s body and keep them safe until the crematory staff can take them into their care and perform the services. Pet cremation services are performed by trained professionals serenely and compassionately. The professional team at a pet crematorium can help you to plan and carry out the process of honoring your pet.

As for choosing an urn, your personal taste will probably determine the style of the memorial vessel you select. Pet crematoriums provide a wide choice of urn styles and types. If you are planning to sprinkle part of the pet’s ashes and then keep only a tiny portion of the ashes (or if your pet is small – like a bird or a gerbil), there are beautiful urns as small as 2.5 inches. The outer surfaces of these urns are made of exquisite materials such as ceramics or clay. If your pet is larger, there are larger versions of ceramic urns or wooden boxes that also display your pet’s picture. Crematoriums also offer basic urns.

The designs on the outside of the urns can be abstract, jeweled, or even basic monochrome. Some urns feature imprints from your pets’ paws.

Some pet parents prefer to keep their pet’s urns outdoors – in their gardens or a special part of their yards. For these choices, the urns are square, compact, and less ornate. Outdoor urns are constructed from rosewood, sandstone, or granite to withstand multiple weather conditions.

Some crematoriums will also provide a special time and a location where your family can gather to hold a service to honor your pet with a brief ceremony before it is cremated.