Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio

AMIRA International identifies research and development opportunities of interest to Member companies, and develops research projects that will realise these opportunities.

Projects are funded by joint sponsorship from Member companies, and we pursue additional sources of funding to benefit these research efforts. Our main role is to facilitate these projects, so that sponsoring Members gain the expected benefits. A key outcome is the support for research infrastructure development that promotes opportunities for Members.

AMIRA’s R&D projects are represented across six portfolios of activity:

Geoscience: developing and managing collaborative exploration and mining geology projects focused on new technologies, ore deposit studies and models, new regional geological assessments and regional data compilations.
Mine Engineering: advancing mine operations by providing solutions in geomechanics, logistics, equipment, automation and mine design.
Minerals Processing: optimising and improving fundamental knowledge for a range of mineral processing unit operations and technology, as well as for extractive metallurgy processes.
Extractive Metallurgy: Projects cover technologies such as leaching (acid based and biologically enhanced, autoclaves and tanks), electro winning of metals, solvent extraction, pyrometallurgy, precipitation and crystallization.
Sustainability: Development of sustainable practices at every stage from mine inception and operation to closure and beyond, including minimisation of waste and of water and energy use.
Studies cover those which may overlap or involve areas from a number of the above fields.