Suez Cogeneration Plant
Let’s first introduce what Cogeneration is and how it works. Cogeneration, also known as recycled energy, simultaneously produces two different types of energy from a single source. This often leads to higher efficiency in performance when compared to single-generation facilities. The energy generation process involves combusting a fuel source, in this case, specific waste generated to create streams that power steam turbochargers, which produce electricity and heat used in homes, businesses, and other industries just like Suez cogeneration plant.
Energy from waste
EfW, or Energy from Waste, is the process of treating non-recyclable or residual wastes to produce energy from materials that would otherwise be placed in landfills. This process of generating energy has been used worldwide to convert potential waste materials into usable energy such as heat and electricity for decades. The whole process is completely enclosed, and the fuel that would be used includes carefully sorted and processed waste materials. This technology has been proven by countries such as the United Kingdom and greater Europe to be extremely safe and sustainable.
What are the benefits of Energy from Waste?
Energy from waste has multiple proven environmental, social, and as well as economic benefits to various communities around the world. The process reduces waste and instead turns it into energy for the community to use. It also reduces waste that would otherwise directly go to landfills, which will take years or even centuries to degrade. Compared to the use of fossil fuels, there will be fewer carbon emissions, and if fewer fossil fuels are used, there will be more energy for the planet to recover. Employing a community grid also creates employment opportunities for the people in that specific community. This process is overall more sustainable and efficient than other energy generation processes.